Command | Description | Usage | Example |
Noire | Sends a picture about Noire. | >noire | >noire |
Help | Sends a link here. | >help | >help |
Version | Sends back the current version of the bot with other statistics | >version | >version >details >v |
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
Ping | Replies with a 'Pong'. Used mostly for checking if the bot is alive. | >ping | >ping |
Choose | Helps you decide something. (You can add as many options as you want) | >choose [Option 1] | [Option 2] | ... | >choose Go running | Watch anime | Play games |
Coinflip | Flips a coin and gives you back the result. | >coinflip | >coinflip |
Roll | Roll a dice and givesyou back the result | >roll [Min]-[Max] | >roll >roll 15 >roll 5-10 |
Poke | Poke someone. It will send him a message that you poked him in the channel. | >poke @User | >poke @Luminight |
Rsp | Play Rock Paper Scissors against the bot. | >rps { rock | paper | scissors} | >rps rock >ropasci p >rockpaperscissors 3 |
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
Kick | Kicks a User from the server. | >kick @User | >kick @Luminight |
Ban | Bans a User from the server. | >ban @User | >ban @Luminight |
Prune | Deletes the given amount of message. | >prune [Message Count] >prune [Message Count] {Message} >prune [Message Count] {@User} {Message} >prune [Message Count] {@User} {Message} |
>prune 10 >prune 10 @Luminight >prune 10 @Luminight Spam |
Command | Description | Usage | Example |
Command | Description | Usage | Example |